Photo by Shane on Unsplash

A Collection of Silences

Skye Mo'ipulelehua Kahoali'i


Our life has become a collection of silences:

Tense silences:
So ear-splittingly loud that thoughts flee before them into a sea of red.
A white-knuckled wheel, driving somewhere.
Anywhere to escape the bleakness that follows.

Spatial silences:
Two bodies whirling away on tethers stretched too thin
Succumbing to a quiet law mandating
An equal and opposite reaction
To the gravity that once crushed us together

Curious silences:
Bright thoughts illuminating endless decks, vessels banked
To port. To starboard.
Passing within hailing distance…except for the darkened sea between.

Interrupted silences:
The carefully ignored text.
A cover closed too quickly.
Smiles gone awry upon discovery.

Closed silences:
Poignant raised liquid memories to
Marked only by a track down a cheek.



Skye Mo'ipulelehua Kahoali'i

Me: Ma'am/Ms./Auntie. Brother: Sir/Dad/Uncle. Who should WE be? Writes erotica and poetry. Freelance editor. Longboarder, shoots clays and USPSA.